26-27 September 2023
Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage,
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Digital methods, technologies, and formats have increasingly gained traction in the study of life narratives and biographical data, as well as in the presentation of historical lives. Auto/biographical research and practice are aided significantly by biographical research databases and platforms, biographical online dictionaries, digital editions of historical life documents as well as community- and institutionally driven online archives and web-based collaborative Wiki formats, which are characterised by accessibility, searchability, and user-orientedness. In addition, they often encourage interactive participation, and generally open up new quantitative and qualitative pathways / approaches to biographical research.
Notwithstanding their vast potential, digital tools and platforms and their uses often reveal a tension between research, on the one hand, and the communication of this research to a broader public and multiple audience groups, on the other. We are keen on stimulating an interdisciplinary dialogue between life writing theories and digital methodologies. View the conference poster.